Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe

 Are you in Cosmic Flow? 

Do you want to be an effective manifestor, a master builder, the ultimate creator? 

This is the foundation, the root of a 7 level ascension process to becoming an effective manifestor, a master builder, an ultimate creator

I recommend in practicing all of the invitations contained within this expression, the foundation, the root of The Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe to see results, reality shifts, manifestations happen rapidly, to deepen your innerstanding of your innate gifts at manifesting, to learn how to harness and channel those gifts to become an ultimate creator

The Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe is beneficial for all beings and is especially potent if…

If you have a spiritually based career and need weekly/monthly/yearly structure that nurtures your gifts, energizes you and gives you time to turn inward to grow, expand your knowledge and further develop your spiritual practice so you can optimally serve others

If you are a Mother, Father, Caregiver the external and internal stages of The Cosmic Flow will be especially potent for you as it nurtures balance, quality time for creating, manifesting, realizing your Divine Intention, Soul Mission and quality time for your children

If you are creating, developing(working) remotely and need weekly/monthly/yearly structure that makes it possible for you to be most effective for your employer

If you are a spiritual alchemist

What is The Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe?

On Friday evening we are told to romance others when we should be romancing ourselves

On Saturday we are told to be active when we should be resting

On Sunday we are told to gather inside when we should be outside in the Sun connecting to the spiritual in Nature

On Monday we are told to do when we should be seeking guidance from our Moon

Do you want to be an effective manifestor, a master builder, the ultimate creator? 

On January first of this new year 2022 - a year 6 of inner transformation for the next wave of beings awakening, a time to cross the rainbow bridge of spiritual ascension, to open and balance, make vibrant and vital the 6 chakras to then be able to activate the 7th chakra opening the channel to Divine Source, connecting Earth to Heaven as you embody your Divinity, becoming a crystal on the altar of the Earth, becoming a physically healing presence, and for transforming the universe through Self for those already walking the HIGHEST path - I channeled a Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe  an invitation to return to Oneness, to flow with the energy of The Universe, to be amplified by the universe, to be able to harness the energy moving through the 7 days of the Gregorian calendar so that you can learn to dance with the cosmos, harness and channel the power of The Universe to become an effective manifestor, a master builder, the ultimate creator 

In the creation of New Earth Self-Love and Self-Care must be at the foundation  Rest, Soul Nourishment and nurturing our connection to Earth, Moon and Sun must be a priority 

In this ancestral return of being, of journeying through the week in cosmic flow, in co-creation with The Universe, in allyship with time, in ritual with Earth, Moon and Sun you will be walking the HIGHEST path

This Cosmic Flow guide is beneficial for all beings and is especially potent for the spiritual alchemist 

With this cosmic energy map, in this way of being in Cosmic Flow, presence in the present moment is nurtured allowing you to give all of yourself to the present moment with harnessed and channeled energy

The week begins on Friday Evening at Sunset - after the completion of intentions put into motion over the previous four action days - the week begins at sunset with Self Love, Self Care and Romancing Yourself…

Let’s begin with summaries for each day then an example of what the month of March looks like…

Venus Friday Sunset Summary: 

Unplug from social platforms + tech until Monday after nourishing morning rituals 

Venus nurtures and nourishes us with the energy of Love

In the current societal paradigm on Friday evening we are told to romance others when we should be romancing ourselves after the completion of the 4 action days(Tues-Friday) it is the priority to first recharge, renew and refill our own cups before we can pour into the cups of others

Focus on: Self Love, Self Care and Romancing Yourself to prepare for optimal rest through Saturday

Chakra: Heart 

Mantra: I grow deeper in love with me

Saturn Saturday Summary:

Unplugged from social platforms + tech 

Saturn nurture and nourishes with the energy of healthy boundaries 

In the current societal paradigm on Saturday we are told to be active, to gather and connect with others when we should be resting, giving ourselves time to reflect, nurture healthy boundaries and give ourselves time for introspection and meditation 

Rest can be solo or with family, friends, village with the priority being: rest

Focus on: deep revitalizing rest, allowing your body the required time to process, integrate and release the 6 previous days, giving time and space for the universe to respond to you

Chakra: Root

Alchemical Process: Energetic Exploration - Distillation OR Focused Flow - Fermentation 

Metal: Lead

Trivium: Thought 

Mantra: I trust the universe, I surrender control, I practice receiving 


Practice silence

Practice listening 


Sun Sunday Summary: 

Unplugged from social platforms + tech 

The Sun nurtures and nourishes by energizing and fortifying 

In the current societal paradigm on Sunday we are told to gather indoors when we should be outside in the Sun connecting with the spiritual in nature

Focus on: deep soul nourishment, sun bathing, recharging by absorbing the sun, observing Nature and your role within it, harnessing the masculine energy moving through Sunday and taking that energy, that will into Monday, Moon-day, into the feminine, to effectively manifest, sulfur giving form to mercury

Soul Nourishment can be solo or with family, friends, village with the priority being: Soul Nourishment

After self care, rest and soul nourishment Sunday sunset invites you to romance your lover 

Chakra: Sacral

Alchemical Process: Energetic Exploration - Coagulation OR Focused Flow - Distillation 

Metal: Gold

Trivium: Feeling 

Primordial Element: Sulfur

Mantra: I am the sun, I am a healing light 

Moon Monday Summary:

After nourishing morning rituals are complete it is time to plug back into social platforms and tech

The Moon nurtures and nourishes us with guidance and The Divine Mother’s unconditional Love 

In the current societal paradigm on Monday we are told to Do when we should be seeking guidance to manifest effectively 

Focus on: receiving the masculine energy from Sunday, harnessing the sulfur to give form to mercury, assessing what is, looking to The Moon for guidance and setting intentions, bringing before you your vision, the blueprint place beside it the steps in order to achieve, to build your vision, and ask “what actions are required next in the process of building my lasting, unbreakable, high quality manifestation, vision? What is possible for me to achieve in the next 4 action days” keeping the perspective in mind when you are setting intentions that - you can not paint the walls before they are built 

Monday is the time to run errands i.e. market, bank and beyond

Chakra: Solar Plexus 

Alchemical Process: Energetic Exploration - Fermentation OR Focused Flow - Coagulation 

Metal: Silver

Trivium: Thought, Feeling and Action through guidance and the setting of intentions 

Primordial Element: Mercury 

Mantra: The Moon guides me

Mars Tuesday Summary:

The first action day

Mars nurtures and nourishes with the energy of motivation offering the initial surge of energy to get intentions into motion

External Action Day: Plugged in and active on social platforms + tech 

Internal Action Day: Unplugged from social platforms, tech to be used for the benefit of seeking knowledge, 2 days during the Full to New Moon for website updates and emails to ready for external action days 

After self care, rest, soul nourishment, guidance and the setting of intentions it is now time for action, directed energy, focused fire 

Focus on: focusing your fire, the passion of Mars The Warrior on commencing intentions and destroying low vibrational habits, cycles and patterns to make space within you, within the universe for HIGHEST vibrational rituals, balance the fiery nature of Mars energy flowing through Tuesday with confidence boosting mantras, water, nourishing and nurturing support from The Divine Mother and Sacred Feminine 

If you gather your water at one of Mother Earth’s sacred springs this is a good day to gather either after the completion of intentions on a external(New to Full Moon) Tuesday action day or as your intention to balance the fire element within you, within the universe on a internal(Full to New Moon) Tuesday action day

If you take appointments: 

Days available: External Action Days Tues - Thursday

Hours available: Sunrise to Sunset 

Chakra: Heart

Alchemical Process: Energetic Exploration - Calcination OR Focused Flow - Calcination 

Metal: Iron

Trivium: Action

Primordial Element: Salt

Elements to explore and balance: Fire and Water

Mantra: I am an energy vortex

A day to gather water or spend time in water if fire needs balancing or to cool the fire after the days intentions are complete 

Mercury Wednesday Summary:

The second action day 

Mercury nurtures and nourishes with the energy of curiosity 

External Action Day: Plugged in and active on social platforms + tech 

Internal Action Day: Unplugged from social platforms, tech to be used for the benefit of seeking knowledge, 2 days during the Full to New Moon for website updates and emails to ready for external action days 

Focus on: observing the effects of the initial surge of energy sent out into the universe on Tuesday, take this time to be curious about your intentions, actions, effects, possibilities, find the HIGHEST perspective and deepen your relationship with purpose in meaning 

Wednesday is the day for communicating, to email, to make calls, have meetings and beyond 

If you take appointments: 

Days available: External Action Days Tues - Thursday

Hours available: Sunrise to Sunset 

Chakra: Throat

Alchemical Process: Energetic Exploration - Conjunction OR Focused Flow - Dissolution  

Metal: Quicksilver

Trivium: Action

Primordial Element: Salt

Elements to explore and balance: Air and Fire

Mantra: I meet my unfolding with curiosity, with a childlike wonder  

Jupiter Thursday Summary:

The third action day 

Jupiter nurtures and nourishes with the energy of play

External Action Day: Plugged in and active on social platforms + tech 

Internal Action Day: Unplugged from social platforms, tech to be used for the benefit of seeking knowledge, 2 days during the Full to New Moon for website updates and emails to ready for external action days 

Focus on: finding the play, compassion and spirituality in your intentions, in your vision, deepen the purpose and meaning of your vision, continue to weave your spirituality, philosophy into your daily lived experience, expand on what you already know and have

If you take appointments: 

Days available: External Action Days Tues - Thursday

Hours available: Sunrise to Sunset 

Chakra: Third Eye

Alchemical Process: Energetic Exploration - Separation OR Focused Flow - Separation 

Metal: Tin

Trivium: Action

Primordial Element: Salt

Elements to explore and balance: Air and Earth

Mantra: I am playful, I am the expansion of consciousness

Venus Friday Sunrise: 

The fourth and final action day before self care and rest commences 

Venus nurtures and nourishes with the energy of collaboration 

While Friday is an action day it is also an internal(Full to New Moon) or external(New to Full Moon) action day depending on the moon phase if it is an internal action day it is a time to gather with your village to seek knowledge, share ideas and beyond to further the internal process of achieving the collective goal, setting intentions for the external action days OR if it is an external action day it is a time to gather with your village to collaborate, to put the intentions set during the internal action days into motion to achieve the collective goal and to feast before sunset 

Focus on: weaving your individual intentions into your village, how can you collaborate, uplift and amplify those who support, nurture and nourish you? How do you come together to create a universe of HIGHEST vibrations? 

If you journey to gather your water from one of Mother Earth’s sacred springs Friday is the day to journey to gather, to come together at the Spring with your community 

The four days of action complete at sunset on Friday evening as you move back into self care and rest, this gives time and space to your actions, for the universe to receive your action and respond, allowing manifestation to occur as you rest into trust

Chakra: Crown

Alchemical Process: Energetic Exploration - Dissolution OR Focused Flow - Conjunction 

Metal: Copper

Trivium: Action

Primordial Element: Salt

Elements to explore and balance: Earth and Water

Mantra: I choose love, I live love, I am love

An example month: April 2022 looks like this…

New to Full Moon: external action, active on social platforms, tech and beyond 

External Action days: Tues-Friday

Hours available: Sunrise to Sunset 

Fridays are also external action days though they are an action day to gather with your village to collaborate, to put the intentions set during the internal action days into motion to achieve the collective goal and to feast before sunset 

Full to New Moon: internal action, unplugged from social platforms, tech, rest from appointment bookings, this is a time to focus on the expansion of your process, for seeking knowledge, to grow deeper your connection to Divine Source and beyond for the benefit of all

Internal Action Days: Tues-Friday

Internal Action Days for tech: March 30, April 20, 27

Fridays are also internal(Full to New Moon) action days though they are a day to gather with your village to seek knowledge, share ideas and beyond to further the internal process of achieving the collective goal, setting intentions for the external action days

The internal Full to New Moon period provides a natural excitement build for you and your audience as the New Moon approaches with shop updates, releases, appointment bookings reopening and beyond  

New Moon: 1, 30 In solitude or gathered, a time for ritual and ceremony 

Full Moon: 16, In solitude or gathered, a time for ritual and ceremony 

External Action Days: 5-8, 12-14

External Friday Action: Village Collaboration + Feast: 8, 15

Hours Available: Sunrise to Sunset 

Internal Action Days: 19-22, 26-29

Internal action days are a time of powerful preparation for the external action days so that the energy is effectively harnessed and channeled yielding HIGHEST potential

Internal Tech Days: 20, 27

Internal Friday Action Village Collaboration: 22 - This may look like coming together with your village to continue seeking knowledge, to share ideas, setting intentions for external action Fridays etc for the process of achieving the collective goal 

Hours Dedicated to Internal Action: Sunrise to Sunset 

Friday Sunset: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Self-Care, Romancing Yourself, unplugged from tech/social platforms

Saturday: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Rest, unplugged from tech/social platforms

Sunday: 3, 10, 17, 24 Soul Nourishment, outside in the Sun connecting with the spiritual in nature, unplugged from tech/social platforms

Sunday Sunset: 3, 10, 17, 24 romance your lover, unplugged from tech/social platforms

Monday: 4, 11, 18, 25 Moon guidance, assessing what is, setting intentions for the next 4 action days, errands i.e. market, bank etc.

Tuesday: 5, 12 External Action - Focused Fire 

Tuesday: 19, 26 Internal Action - Focused Fire

Wednesday: 6, 13 External Action - Thoughtful Communication

Wednesday: 20, 27 Internal Action - Curiosity

Thursday: 7, 14 External Action - Expansion + Play

Thursday: 21, 28 Internal Action - Expansion + Play

Friday: 1, 8 External Action - Village Collaboration + Feast

Friday: 22 Internal Action - Village Intentions + Feast

New Moon: 1, 30

Full Moon: 16

Exploring and Balancing the Elements:

Tuesday: Fire + Water

Wednesday: Air + Fire

Thursday: Air + Earth 

Friday: Earth + Water 

Saturday: Root Chakra, Thought, Time and Space

Sunday: Sacral Chakra, Feeling, Sulfur, Time and Space

Monday: Solar Plexus Chakra, Thought Feeling and Action through the setting of intention, Mercury, Time and Space

Tuesday: Heart Chakra, Action, Salt

Wednesday: Throat Chakra, Action, Salt

Thursday: Third Eye Chakra, Action, Salt

Friday: Crown Chakra, Action, Salt 

Alchemical Process:

Harness the passion, the firey nature of Mars and begin the alchemical process on the first internal Tuesday action day with Calcination 

Focused Alchemical Flow:

Venus Friday Sunset: Self-Love

Saturn Saturday: Distillation 

Sun Sunday: Coagulation

Moon Monday: Fermentation 

Mars Tuesday: Calcination 

Mercury Wednesday: Conjunction

Jupiter Thursday: Separation 

Venus Friday Sunrise: Dissolution 


Explore the energetics of the alchemical process on the days that energetically support, balance or amplify

Energetic Exploration:

Venus Friday Sunset: Self-Love

Saturn Saturday: Fermentation  

Sun Sunday: Distillation

Moon Monday: Coagulation 

Mars Tuesday: Calcination 

Mercury Wednesday: Dissolution 

Jupiter Thursday: Separation 

Venus Friday Sunrise: Conjunction

If doing shop updates with shipped products or new products etc: update goes live on 5 and closes(excluding any downloadable offerings) on 12 at noon(or desired time giving enough time to pack and send out final orders before post closes on 12), next shop update May 3

Shipment days: Tuesday 5, 12

For purchases made on Tuesdays after selected time will be shipped the following Tuesday

Travel days: March 29-30 staying at the new earthly locale until next travel days April 19 -21 or if a longer trip is required or to change earthly locales again April 26-28 for travel 


If you journey to gather water from one of Mother Earth’s sacred springs Tuesday is the day to journey to the spring to balance the fire within you, within the universe OR Friday is the day to journey to gather in community 

Aries completes 19

Taurus begins 20

Sun Bathing:

Daily, 30 minutes minimum, Autumn/Winter - High Sun

Spring/Summer - Morning Sun

Sunrise: 10 minutes 

Sunset: 10 minutes 

Sacred Springs: 

Natal Chart Reading with the addition of current earthly locale offers a deeper innerstanding of who you are and how the energy of your position in the universe supports your cosmic flow 

Phone usage up to 7 times a day with intention Unplug from tech at sunset  



Mushroom Protocol:

Days On - Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

Days Off - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

There is a lot of love and cosmic flow invitations here, I have integrated the above into my lived experience, I am already manifesting effectively and as I remember and receive more and more transmissions from The Universe I continue to journey deeper in Cosmic Flow. Check back frequently for the expansion of The Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe

Once you have practiced The Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe and are feeling ready to ascend into the second level please email for details

Would you like support in setting up your monthly calendar? Visit this link

Would you like to join The Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe membership? A monthly live virtual community gathering to set up monthly calendars Visit this link

If The Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe nurtures your journey and you would like to leave a donation you can donate here

Please email me at if you have any questions I would love to expand and clarify any information

On wings of love

Sending you the HIGHEST vibrations