Heart to Heart | phone, Instagram or ZOOM | 55 minutes

Water Knowledge 💧 a dive into effective hydration for optimal function and longevity | phone, Instagram or ZOOM | 55 minutes

Tarot Reading | phone, Instagram, in-person or ZOOM | 55 minutes

Flower Foot Bath | In-home | One Hour

Birth Keeper Consultation | phone, Instagram or ZOOM | 27 minutes

Sacred Placenta Medicine Preparation Consultation | phone, Instagram or ZOOM | 30 minutes

Meditate With Me | in-person | 55 Minutes

Cosmic Flow Guide to The Universe | phone, Instagram or ZOOM | 55 minutes

Co-regulation that Nurtures Self-regulation | by phone, Instagram or ZOOM | 55 Minutes

Channeling Direct From Source | by phone, Instagram or ZOOM | 55 Minutes

5D+ Consciousness Love | by phone, Instagram or ZOOM | 55 Minutes

Spell Magick | phone, Instagram or ZOOM | 55 minutes